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The American Spirit: What Does It Mean? | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans
We are just two institutions among hundreds of thousands in our country that seem to recognize that spirit and draw upon american sp irit essay for inspiration, american sp irit essay. While there may be many different definitions of the American Spirit, raise your hand if you think this spirit can be found in our history—and still exists today. We all remember the shock, the fear, the anger—and then the overwhelming sense of national unity.
A common sense of the American Spirit brought us together against a new enemy that attacked us with the intent of undermining our system of beliefs, our economic and democratic way of life.
We were severely tested in that moment. In this moment of national trial, Stephen and his son Hugh published an op-ed piece in The Times-Picayune. Recalling an episode from the Day after the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor, the piece started this way:. They told the surprised recruiting officer that they were ready not just to enlist, but to start fighting that very day.
Their country had been attacked. They would go to war. Stephen and Hugh used this incident to offer a american sp irit essay illustration of the American Spirit—how it manifests itself, what it means.
These Native Americans had not been treated well by their government, by American society at large. Their culture and their language had been under attack, marginalized, discriminated against, for many years. Their opportunities in education and work were few. In these Native Americans knew this promise, this ideal—and their country too now—was under attack.
So they joined millions of other Americans to fight Japan and Germany in far-away places. In fact, the Navajo Code Talkers became a legendary weapon in our WWII military arsenal, for they were able to speak openly over the radio in the american sp irit essay that the enemy would never crack their language. And their selfless acts spoke to the enduring American Spirit, american sp irit essay, the bright connecting thread in the fabric of our Democracy.
This spirit is sometimes difficult to define or to quantify, but it holds great power—and you know it when you see it. But where did this spirit come from? What makes it so special that Americans always feel it in moments of great crisis, challenges that test our ideals? Walk with me briefly back in time, as I recall a few great individuals who gave birth to this country, men whose ideas and actions lit the flame of the American spirit.
George Washington was the embodiment of this spirit, without a doubt. As leader of the Continental Army, he never wavered in the face of defeat and poor supplies and rampant sniping that the cause of the American Revolution was hopeless. Once victory was achieved and Washington took over leadership of the new nation, he rejected suggestions that he should consolidate power and become another king.
To the contrary, Washington set the precedent that no one should serve more than two terms as president. Congress wanted to bury George Washington in the Capital Rotunda; instead, he chose Mount Vernon.
Generations later, after America entered World War II, President Franklin D. He held to his course, as it had been charted in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson, american sp irit essay of the University of Virginia, a skilled diplomat who spoke five languages, inspired optimism about the influence of education in a free society. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs—nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them.
We are indeed blessed that American history is filled with individuals whose actions, ideals and values swelled the American Spirit—and carried it forward. The irrepressible General Andrew Jackson did american sp irit essay during the War ofat the Battle of New Orleans, when he created a potent fighting force out of a peculiar blend of people from different states and cultures, speaking different tongues—Creoles, Tennesseeans, Cajuns, Germans and Italians, free men and slaves.
As that terrible struggle drew to a close, Lincoln spoke eloquently about the ideals of the Founding Fathers. In words and deeds, where do we find any comparable commitment to freedom and democracy among leaders of other nations in the 19th century?
The quest for freedom and justice for all Americans has often been halting or delayed—as in the abolition of slavery, in the acknowledgement of poor treatment of Native Americans, and in the securing of full civil rights for people of color and women.
While it did not come easily, change did come, as Americans moved closer to the ideals of the Founding Fathers. As the years passed, the power of our principles has gained in strength and meaning—both in our country, and around the globe.
The American Sprit can be seen, clearly, during times of national or regional crisis, or in our daily affairs, when Americans are generous, working for the common good, seeking progress. We see it in the re-creation of New Orleans public schools and the sense of promise for what students can achieve when they have the right sort of support. I think we would all agree that the purpose of learning is to free people, american sp irit essay.
This aspiration is basic to American Spirit—we are all one, all unified, in gratitude for our freedom. These aspirations have much in common with those embraced by Washington, by Jefferson and Lincoln and Andrew Jackson, by Martin Luther King.
At The National World War II Museum, we celebrate values that are rooted in the birth of our nation and reach forward through the generations, offering a sense of promise and hope for all of us today—and for coming generations, american sp irit essay.
It was a time when we were unprepared, attacked and faced powerful enemies across two oceans—outnumbered 20 to 1 in military forces. And yet we came together as a nation, infused by the American Spirit, to defeat dictatorial regimes that embraced racism, genocide, and aimed to destroy our freedom and sense of unity, american sp irit essay.
When Stephen Ambrose was conducting interviews for his great book on D-Day, he asked a veteran who survived the Normandy invasion why he had donned the uniform as a young man and joined the fight. The old soldier thought back to the early morning hours of June 6,as he climbed aboard a Higgins boat headed for Omaha Beach, and told Steve:. I knew the difference between right and wrong, american sp irit essay, and I did not want to grow up in a world in which wrong prevailed.
Our victory in that war unleashed new forces of freedom, at home and abroad. Colonies were given independence. In the post-war years, our economy boomed, the GI Bill made college education possible for millions, american sp irit essay, civil rights increased dramatically, and new opportunities american sp irit essay opened up to women. The good war, as it is often called, set the stage for many good changes. One man uniquely qualified to give voice to this promising time was Dwight Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander who directed the massive Allied D-Day invasion in France and the defeat of Germany.
In his farewell address as president inEisenhower had this to say:. He and others of his generation spoke to the things held dear by Americans: democratic values, freedom and the Bill of Rights; volunteerism and generosity; equality of opportunity; universal education; courage; and leadership. Gordon H. During a distinguished career at UNO, Mueller made his mark as a popular teacher, Dean and Vice Chancellor.
The first to cross the English Channel on D-Day, minesweepers cleared the way for the invasion of France. How a Signal Corps photographic team took one of the most iconic images american sp irit essay Omaha Beach.
Adorned with Captains bars and the Ivy Cross of the 4th Infantry Division, the M-1 Helmet of Captain Leonard T. Schroeder has a very unique history associated with it. On D-Day, Higgins boats landed thousands of GIs on French shores. Often overlooked in comparison to the LCVP is its "big brother"—the Landing Craft Mechanized. The American Spirit: What Does It Mean? So what does it mean? How do we know it exists?
And where did it come from? Our country would never have survived and prospered without this spirit. He stayed the american sp irit essay, risking everything. He said the brave men who fought to preserve the union had consecrated the ground at Gettysburg. This was so in the s; s and s; and it remains so today. World War II served as a crucible, a time of testing of our beliefs, our national spirit.
This was a fight to the finish for civilization itself, and the American Spirit prevailed. D-Day and The Normandy Campaign. Article Type, american sp irit essay. Seventy six years ago, American soldiers faced a crisis.
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