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Balance work and life essay
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Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free DOCX. Download Free PDF. Work-Life Balance Behaviors Dissertation Armitage. Sheila Armitage. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package Balance dissertation life work paper. A short summary of this paper, balance dissertation life work.
Gyorgyi Szabo, balance dissertation life work, Ph. This study is focused on what behaviors and attitudes those with strong work-life balance exhibit, and what results at work and home they perceive.
My hope is that it will serve as a model for others seeking greater balance in life. Throughout this research, the researcher has used a practical definition of what work-life equilibrium means in every day terms to every day people: a self-defined state of well-being, allowing one to effectively manage multiple responsibilities at work, home, and in the community.
The research supports physical, emotional, family, and community health and recognizes the inter-relatedness of work and home life. There is a pattern of behaviors, attitudes, and strategies for good work-life integration amongst individuals who perceive they have strong work-life integration. Such behaviors generate more positive personal, business, and health outcomes.
Stress management overlaps with work-life integration. Four layers balance dissertation life work data were gathered from a broad group first, from focus groups secondly, balance dissertation life work, individuals thirdly, then human resource departments. The results show that there are strong themes of attitude, behavior and positive outcomes. Mental aspects of work-life balance, such as quiet time and faith, are as important in life satisfaction as prioritization and time management.
In fact, when stress levels increase, the mental dimension becomes even more used. Surprisingly, this mental approach and behavior-set applies within less-stressed and more-stressed organizations.
Results show that despite increased contextual stress, the behavior and mental model that emerged during this research, remains consistent. Improved health, reduced illness, lengthened work balance dissertation life work, boosted productivity, and other positive performance indicators, are a few of the outcomes of strong work-life integration.
Study background Statement of the problem Significance and contribution of the study Conceptual framework and method Research questions Chapter flow Gender, martial status, dependents Staff position level and salaries Cultural background and age Tenure at company Work hours and location Key Survey Definitions UCFU data CORE Health Data Research question two - partial answer Inter-Company salary, education level, and cultural diversity comparisons Inter-Company financial context, time, and personal performance.
Inter-Company salary comparison Inter-Company Education Inter-Company cultural diversity Inter-Company age range of study populations Inter-Company gender participation, balance dissertation life work, marital status, dependents. Inter-Company number of hours worked each week Stress levels, stressors, impacts of stress, and coping approaches, balance dissertation life work.
Work and home context — supporters and detractors of work-life balance Attitude and coping strategies Perceived impacts of work-life balance Emerging answers to key research questions Wellness professionals Human resources talent and engagement professionals Surender, Ph. Surender, M. This dissertation has been a labor of love, and would not have been possible without the support of an incredibly inspiring, committed team. What you did for me fueled this exploration, and made it a thoroughly enjoyable experience.
You gave me freedom, patience, time, energy, insight, mentoring and inspiration. Thank You All. Family: Dad, Mum, Mark and Katy. Wisdom School of Graduate Studies: Mary Faria, Lillie Rowden, Gyorgyi Szabo, Will Taegel, Judith Yost — my core team.
Madeleine Schwab, Carolyn Atkinson, Mark Ryan, Greg Katz, our dissertation Mastermind Group, Jim Garrison and the scholarly faculty. How different would the world be if everyone had access to inspiring education and scholarly midwifing?
Friends: Roberta Morales, Cheryl Ridall, Janel Joseph, Sarah Jackson, MJ Endres, Eleni Pallas, Marcia Silverberg, Linda Haines, and Sparky my dog who sat with me every day and took daily walks with me.
All of my friends far and wide who cheered me on as I studied and wrote. Colleagues, whom I consider to be friends: Heather McKissick, Chrystal Wells, Annie Freeman, Chelsea Delbar and the staff of CORE Health and University Federal Credit Union. Your role modeling and generosity energized me. This study is focused on what behaviors and attitudes those with strong work-life balance balance dissertation life work, and what outcomes at work and home they perceive. Had I been able to access such insight as I juggled family and career, such a model would have helped me prioritize more effectively.
This thesis was born out of dialogues with women leaders in Austin, Texas and San Francisco, California. Focused on new tenets of leadership, the conversation took a turn in Austin, when women voiced a challenge about their careers. The pressure and stress of very full days remains constant. Not only that, the rate of chronic illness, major illness and death was perceived as rising. There is a pattern of mindset, behaviors and strategies for good work-life integration amongst individuals who perceive they have strong work-life integration.
There is an overlap with stress management. Outcomes of strong work-life integration behaviors generate more positive personal, business, and health outcomes. No other research has brought these dimensions together, balance dissertation life work, thus this disquisition adds to the field. The intention and benefit of this work is to generate a framework that people can use to help them live in a more integrated way, whether balance dissertation life work work for a stressed or less- stressed organization.
As the study progressed, it became clear to the researcher that the qualitative approach provided consistent data themes that go beyond the themes of traditional organizational wellness programs of physical activity, nutrition, balance dissertation life work, relaxation and obesity, balance dissertation life work, diabetes and smoking prevention.
Additionally, the line balance dissertation life work managing stress and balancing work and personal life became non-existent. Studies that pre-date the GFC also point to rising stress increases Lowe2, Stress has increased despite increases in technology designed to make life easier, evolving wellness programs, creative employee engagement programs, government finance interventions, labor and gender equality laws, and increased individual awareness.
This dissertation plans to delve into successful coping strategies that may reduce work- life conflict — an area where there is a lack of data, and one which this study will contribute. Research has been advancing in this broad family-work arena for fifty years, highlighting that effective work-life integration policies, balance dissertation life work use of policies, legislation, and other factors, can have numerous positive effects in the workplace, such as: 2 Graham Lowe born September 25, to present is a researcher, author and consultant of work-life balance.
He has a PhD in Sociology from the University of Balance dissertation life work, is president of The Graham Lowe Group Inc and a professor emeritus at the University of Alberta.
There are multiple layers at interplay in work-life, with global level public policies affecting country-level social and labor laws, in turn balance dissertation life work business guidelines, which then cascade to individual employees. This study focuses primarily on individuals within an organizational context. Statement of the problem The problem that this dissertation is focused on is one of increasing workplace stress, which has negative family and social impacts, as well as diminishing business returns and work strategies that no longer appeal to younger generations of talent.
It explores the coping strategies that individuals use to navigate stress and thereby reach a point of balance between work and home, balance dissertation life work. It also explores what health, home and business outcomes people perceive they have due to their coping strategies. Significance and contribution of the study Many individuals demonstrate a balance dissertation life work ability to adapt to the fluctuating demands of work and home life.
How staff manage their values, priorities, time, organizational and family resources, stress, and health are part of the study. Work and family contexts were studied.
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, time: 10:37Examine Work-Life Balance during National Work and Family Month | News

The increased interest in work-life balance remains influenced by concerns that work-life imbalance could lead to health issues, low productivity, and consequences for individuals, their families, and organizations (Lu & Kao, ; Singh, ). The impact of work-life imbalance on an organization is (a) low productivity (Mantalay, Chakpitak Balance Dissertation Life Work, research paper editor, thesis statement for william shakespeare biograp, carol and collection development and dissertation + Our latest blog posts. Recent Posts. A great deal of research in the field of work-life balance has been conducted over the past forty years, yet none about what individuals do for strong work-life balance – this is the new and original contribution of this dissertation to the work-life
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