Dissertation Prepared for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS May McLaughlin, Erin B. An Emotional Business: The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Emotional intelligence (EI) encompasses many of these social and cognitive skills, as it is defined as the ability to identify, facilitate, understand and regulate Emotional intelligence is a relatively new academic discipline that began forming in the early s. Currently, emotional intelligence is used in academia and in business as a new intelligence quotient. This research study investigates how Senior Student Affairs Officers’ use their emotional intelligence ability during critical incidents Engineering business management dissertation case in delivery and labor intelligence Emotional study, how do you write a synopsis for a research paper essay questions for macbeth, research papers on online streaming, one day novel essay, essay about city of london how to write a problem solution essay step by step instructions why i want to
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Dissertation Prepared for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS May McLaughlin, Erin B. An Emotional Business: The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Emotional intelligence (EI) encompasses many of these social and cognitive skills, as it is defined as the ability to identify, facilitate, understand and regulate found between emotional intelligence and absenteeism. There was a significant relationship between various elements of emotional intelligence and various elements of work-life balance, but the effect sizes were small (> ). There were no significance effects based on the results for absenteeism. Overall, the results illuminate the role ofAuthor: Pamela Applewhite Applewhite EFFECTS OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON PRINCIPALS’ LEADERSHIP PERFORMANCE by Charles Roy Cook A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in Education MONTANA STATE
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