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In Belgium and the Netherlands, the MPhil is a special research degree, and is only awarded by selected departments of a university (mostly in the fields of arts, social sciences, archaeology, philosophy and theology).Admission to these programmes is highly selective and primarily aimed at those students aiming for an academic career. After finishing these programmes, students normally pursue Jan 06, · To help answer these questions and more, this guide will walk you through what a dissertation proposal is, the reasons for its existence and the steps you can take to ensure yours hits the mark. What is a dissertation proposal? To answer this, it helps to first touch base on what a dissertation is. Much like an essay, a dissertation is a long Dissertation Help: Choice of topic Dissertation Dissertation appeal show 10 more PhD Just wrote my dissertation in 4 days AMA Getting into Oxbridge for Postgraduate Study Anglia Ruskin-PA offer holders MSc Computer Science (conversion course) - /
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