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File sharing is the illegal downloading essay of distributing or providing access to digital mediasuch as computer programs, multimedia audio, images and videodocuments or electronic books. File sharing may be achieved in a number of ways. Common methods of storagetransmission and dispersion include manual sharing utilizing removable media, centralized servers on computer networksWorld Wide Web-based hyperlinked documents, and the use of distributed peer-to-peer networking.
Files were first exchanged on removable media. Computers were able to access remote files using filesystem mounting, bulletin board systemsUsenetand FTP servers 's. Internet Relay Chat and Hotline enabled users to communicate remotely through chat and to exchange files. The mp3 encoding, illegal downloading essay, which was standardized in and substantially reduced the size of audio filesgrew to widespread use in the late s.
InMP3. com and Audiogalaxy were established, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act was unanimously passed, illegal downloading essay, and the first mp3 player devices were launched.
In Juneillegal downloading essay, Napster was released as an unstructured centralized peer-to-peer system, [1] requiring a central server for indexing and peer discovery. It is illegal downloading essay credited as being the first peer-to-peer file sharing system. Napster, Inc. GnutellaeDonkeyand Freenet were released inas MP3. com and Napster were facing litigation.
Gnutellareleased in March, was the first decentralized file-sharing network. In the Gnutella network, all connecting software was considered equal, and therefore the network had no central point of failure. In July, illegal downloading essay, Freenet was released and became the first anonymity network. In September the eDonkey client and server software was released.
In Marchillegal downloading essay, Kazaa was released. Its FastTrack network was distributed, though unlike Gnutella, it assigned more traffic to 'supernodes' to increase routing efficiency. The network was proprietary and encrypted, and the Kazaa team made substantial efforts to keep other clients such as Morpheus off of the FastTrack network.
Grokster, illegal downloading essay, Ltd. decision in Shortly after its loss in court, Napster was shut down to comply with a court order. This drove users to other P2P applications and file sharing continued its growth, illegal downloading essay. Until its decline inKazaa was the most popular file sharing program despite bundled malware and legal battles in the Netherlands, Australia, and the United States.
Ina Tokyo district court ruling shut down File Rogue, and the Recording Industry Association of America RIAA filed a lawsuit that effectively shut down Audiogalaxy, illegal downloading essay.
From througha number of BitTorrent services were established, including Suprnova. orgisoHuntTorrentSpyand The Pirate Bay, illegal downloading essay. In Septemberthe RIAA began filing lawsuits against users of P2P file sharing networks such as Kazaa.
Also inthe MPAA started to take action against BitTorrent sites, leading to the shutdown of Torrentse and Sharelive in July Inpolice raids took down the Razorback2 eDonkey server and temporarily took down The Pirate Bay. Inthe Pirate Bay trial ended in a guilty verdict for the primary founders of the tracker. The decision was appealed, leading to a second guilty verdict in November In OctoberLimewire was forced to shut down following a court order in Arista Records LLC v.
Lime Group LLC but the gnutella network remains active through open source clients like FrostWire and gtk-gnutella. Furthermore, multi-protocol file sharing software such as MLDonkey and Shareaza adapted in order to support all the major file sharing protocols, illegal downloading essay, so users no longer had to install and configure multiple file sharing programs. On January 19,the United States Department of Justice shut down the popular domain of Megaupload established The file sharing site has claimed to have over 50, people a day.
In a European Citizens' Initiative "Freedom to Share" [12] started collecting signatures in order to get the European Commission to discuss and eventually make rules on this subject, which is controversial.
From the early s until the mid s, online video streaming was usually based on the Adobe Flash Player. After more and more vulnerabilities in Adobe's flash became known, YouTube switched to HTML5 based video playback in January Peer-to-peer file sharing is based on the peer-to-peer P2P application architecture. Shared files on the computers of other users are indexed on directory servers. P2P technology was used by popular services like Napster and LimeWire. The most popular protocol for P2P sharing is BitTorrent.
Cloud-based file syncing and sharing services implement automated file transfers by updating files from a dedicated sharing directory on each user's networked devices. Files placed in this folder also are typically accessible through a website and mobile app, and can be easily shared with other users for viewing or collaboration. Such services have become popular via consumer-oriented file hosting services such as Dropbox and Google Drive.
With the rising need of sharing big files online easily, new open access sharing platforms have appeared, adding even more services to their core business cloud storage, multi-device synchronization, online collaborationsuch as ShareFileIllegal downloading essayWeTransferMeeroDrop or Hightail.
rsync is a more traditional program released in which synchronizes files on a direct machine-to-machine basis.
Data synchronization in general can use other approaches to share files, such as distributed filesystemsversion controlor mirrors. In addition to file-sharing for the purposes of entertainment, academic file-sharing has become a topic of increasing concern, [15] [16] [17] as it is illegal downloading essay to be a violation of academic integrity at many schools.
Illegal downloading essay there illegal downloading essay an estimated 70 million people participating in online file sharing. In his survey of file-sharing culture, illegal downloading essay, Caraway noted that According to David Glenn, writing in The Chronicle of Higher Illegal downloading essay"A majority of economic studies have concluded that file-sharing hurts sales".
Three of the studies found no significant impact while the remaining five found a positive impact. A study by economists Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf in concluded that music file sharing's effect on sales was illegal downloading essay indistinguishable from zero".
Data on the supply of new works are consistent with the argument that file sharing did not discourage authors and publishers. Since the advent of file sharing, illegal downloading essay, the production of music, books, and movies has increased sharply. SoundScan has also steadily increased the number of retailers especially non-traditional retailers in their sample over the years, better capturing the number of new releases brought to market.
What Oberholzer and Strumpf found was better ability to track new album releases, not greater incentive to create them. A study prepared by Birgitte Andersen and Marion Frenz, published by Industry Canadawas "unable to discover any direct relationship between P2P file-sharing and CD purchases in Canada".
George R. Barker of the Australian National University reached the opposite conclusion. According to the paper "Estimating displacement rates of copyrighted content in the EU" by the European Commissionillegal usage increases game sales, stating "The overall conclusion is that for games, illegal online transactions induce more legal transactions.
A paper in journal Management Science found that file sharing decreased the chance of survival for low ranked albums on music charts and increased exposure to albums that were ranked high on the music charts, allowing popular and well known artists to remain on the music charts more often. This had a negative impact for new and less known artists while promoting the work of already popular artists and celebrities.
A more recent study illegal downloading essay examined pre-release file sharing of music albums, using BitTorrent software, also discovered positive impacts for "established and popular artists but not newer and smaller artists.
Hammond of North Carolina State Universityan album that leaked one month early would see a modest increase in sales. My results suggest that the opposite is happening, illegal downloading essay is consistent with evidence on file-sharing behaviour.
Billboard cautioned that this research looked only at the pre-release period and not continuous file sharing following a release date. Implicit in the study is the fact that both buyers and sellers are required in order for pre-release file sharing to have a positive impact on album sales. Without iTunes, Amazon and Best Buy, illegal downloading essay, file-sharers would be just file sharers rather than purchasers. If you carry out the 'file sharing should be legal' argument to its logical illegal downloading essay, today's retailers will be tomorrow's file-sharing services that integrate with their respective cloud storage services.
Many argue that file-sharing has forced the owners of entertainment content to make it more widely available legally through fee or advertising on-demand on the internet. In a report by Sandvine showed that Netflix traffic had come to surpass that of BitTorrent.
File sharing raises copyright issues and has led to many lawsuits. In the United Statessome of these lawsuits have even reached the Supreme Court. For example, illegal downloading essay, in MGM v, illegal downloading essay.
Groksterthe Supreme Court ruled that the creators of P2P networks can be held liable if their software is marketed as a tool for copyright infringement. On the other hand, not all file sharing is illegal. Content in the public domain can be freely shared. Even works covered by illegal downloading essay can be shared under certain circumstances. For example, some artists, publishers, and record labels grant the public a license for unlimited distribution of certain works, sometimes with conditions, and they advocate free content and file sharing as a promotional tool.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Practice of distributing or providing access to digitally stored information. Main article: Illegal downloading essay of file sharing.
Main article: Legal aspects of file sharing. Internet portal. Reliable distributed systems: technologies, illegal downloading essay, Web services, and applications - Kenneth P.
Birman - Google Books. ISBN Archived from the original on September 5, Retrieved January 20, — via Google Books. MP3 Newswire. Archived from the original on June 1, Archived from the original on January 15, Retrieved January 20, illegal downloading essay,
Internet Crimes - Downloading Illegal Content from the Internet - Attorney Andrew Marcantel
, time: 1:32File sharing - Wikipedia

Apr 29, · As far as I can see a single individual repeatedly downloading just over 10, articles an average of time each is responsible for >70% of the reported Ashburn downloads (see figure – details in full analysis). The mix of articles seems inconsistent with research interests at 1 day ago · Chapter one in a dissertation essay suggesting solutions to stop illegal downloading. Death penalty should not be imposed argumentative essay, outline of a reflective essay nat 5 english drama essay questions. Sample topics for informative essay The purpose of assigning an essay to middle school students is to create awareness and help them to develop writing skills. When it comes to the high school, the argumentative essay includes the moderate study of the topic. The argumentative essay topics for high school students include all of the topics mentioned above
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